Welcome to JDouglas Resource

One of the most precious and invaluable things in life is our 'insight' and 'memory'. And for this reason, I dedicate this blog as a channel to express my own insights and memories on my area of interest.

Among the things that I have great interest are self-improvement, motivation, stock market, photography and employment matters. There are so many information in the internet nowadays that goes unnoticed. However, I'm not trying to be a news center or what, but I'm just expressing my point of view.

To dear friends and general public, you are welcome to post any articles or comments in this blog. However, if any of the articles are deemed harmful or unsuitable for public viewing, it will be remove upon discovery.

So, as we traverse this journey of life, no matter how small our contribution to our community or our beloved nation, it is a good cause for humanity.

Founder, JDouglas Resource

Monday, December 3, 2012


29 November 2012 - a historical moment, personally for me coz after months of planning and discussion with PUTRA Business School (PBS)  management, finally the Club is legally recognized as representative of all PBS students....

It was a great success for my organizing team, which consist of MBA intake May 2012.

The following is my welcoming speech:

Greeting, good afternoon
Our distinguished guest, Dr. Ahmed Razman, Head of Non-Thesis Programme
Fellow MBA students of Putra Business School (PBS), and other students from other faculty of PBS. I welcome you all with open hands and humble heart. Your present and support have given me and my organizing team a great pleasure and courage to carry on with our effort, to mobilize this MBA Club movement.
Today’s agenda is focused on the 1st Annual General Meeting of Putra MBA Club….
Perhaps, many of you would like to know the short history of this Club. Well, we are still very young, barely a year. We first started back in May this year, where most of the initial members are from May intake. The idea of MBA Club was first coined by Dr. Ahmed Razman himself. He is currently the lecturer of Accounting subject for MBA course. Back then the first committee nominated was Sharifah, the Secretary, Kerk, Treasurer and myself the President.
Our journey has just begun…this is the first step of a thousand miles. The first step is always the hardest, because there are some many unknown possibilities and obstacles.
As you can see from the distributed proposal on activities and programs, there are lots of things to be discussed and finalized.
Basically, the Club’s role and objective is mainly acting as intermediary between students and the management of Putra Business School. Lately, there were lots of issues and concerns relating to the poor accessibility to our student portal, scholarship red-tape, unfriendly e-books format, limited student parking and so on. We as the Club representative will try to find a solution/ suggestions and forward it to the PBS for consideration and approval.
I would open up to the floor for any suggestions or ideas that the Club can work on. It does matter whether the idea or suggestion is small or may seem ridiculous because this is the platform for us speak up your mind and your heart.
Last but not least, I end my speech and allow the next course of ceremony to proceed.
Thank you. 

After my speech, Dr. Razman delivered his speech and made a wonderful announcements...
He announced that by mid-next year PBS new building will be completed and the Club will be given maximum 4 rooms to operate its office and other activities. He also announced that PBS will provide free website under PBS new portal. The Club is authorized to represent all PBS students and the Club's representative would join the PBS management meeting on monthly basis to discuss administration affairs.

I was presenting the welcome speech...


Dr. Razman was presenting his speech...

Registration of student for the 1st AGM of the Club

Some of the organizing committee members..

Some of the MBA students who attend the 1st AGM of the Club...

Photo session with some of the new exco. committee of the Club....

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

EPF Investment

Life is about making choice... The question: Do you have plan for your future or golden retirement. If not maybe you want to continue working till the end of your golden days....
Since November 1996,  all eligible EPF contributors are allowed to make partial and interval withdrawal from their EPF saving account no.1
Furthermore, through EPF investment scheme, you benefit from the low service charges of 3%, which mean you have higher returns later.
So, why wait.... start invest your EPF saving to maximize your returns thus later enjoy your golden retirement.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fraser Hill course

It was a great course at Fraser Hill.... cool & windy! So on the last nite, I decided to take a snapshot with my friends - Ahmad Kamal (far-left), Mohd Rizal & Mohd Riwan.....

One thing about the road up to Fraser Hill, it is quite daunting due to narrow road and lots & lots of sharp turning. Best come when the sun is still young & bright coz you would want to miss the beautiful waterfalls & flowers along the road. Actually, it is dangerous coming in late evening coz it will be very dark on the road. 

There are a lots of private villas & bangalow for rent at Fraser Hill. I was staying at Rumah Peranginan Persekutuan which is very cheap but huge.

My second trip to Fraser Hill was fun.... but I think Cameron Highlands is better!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Journey India

A three week trip to India was one great journey. I've learned that as much we expect to gain something new,
we should also appreciated for what we already had in hand.

India was rich with ancient culture largely still remained in many of it's historical sites throughout the country.
I only managed to visit a few, including the Great Wonder - The Taj Mahal. I think of going to India again....

I miss all my friends. One day we meet again.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Employment Chronicles

I decided to spice up my life. Too much politic & rubbish tabloids around are not healthy for the mind.
So I  thought..... Then an idea strike!! Why not I make my own newsletter.
After some brain storming and looking around at people ideas finally... Haha... I got it - I named it Employment Chronicles. I guess my focus would be employment issues. There are so many news have gone unnoticed both local and international alike.

The 1st issue have be distributed FREE through email.
Anybody wish to subscribe, please email me your request to: jeffrydouglas@gmail.com 

Wish me luck. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Food for thought

A young boy asked his father, “Dad, what is wealth?”
The father hesitates for a moment then say, “When we have a lot of money that is wealth.”
“What about health?” the boy asks another question.
Then the father answers, “Health is about our well-being”
 Suddenly, the boy stop and say, “I’m not in good health dad.”
“What wrong my boy...?” the father looks at his son with curiosity.
 “I saw a signboard back there says – Health is Wealth. But I’m always sick. It would be hard for me get wealth because I’m not well.” the boy explained as he pointing at a signboard behind them.
The father smiles and says, “My son, you have good thought and strong heart. That is what you need most now and keeps going with it...”  

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Unit Trust Investment

Let me illustrate to you the power of systematic investment using “Ringgit Cost Averaging”... see Table 1 below:

Table 1.0:


Let us assume that you have invested RM1,000.00 in a unit trust fund. Then subsequently and systematically you invest RM150 per month in the same fund for about a year. Your total amount of investment is RM2,650.00 and you have acquired an asset of 9566.48 units valued at RM0.294 per unit as of 8 July 2010. The value of unit changes from time to time. If the value increase to RM0.30 in the following month, then the asset value will be RM2,869.94. That give you unrealized profits of RM219.94.
If you decided to sell one third (1/3) or 3000 units at the price of RM0.30, then you will get cash in hand of RM900.00. There are still a balance of 6,566.48 unit in the fund. Doing this again and again over many years, you will eventually acquired a steady flow of income and building up a promising liquid asset.