Welcome to JDouglas Resource

One of the most precious and invaluable things in life is our 'insight' and 'memory'. And for this reason, I dedicate this blog as a channel to express my own insights and memories on my area of interest.

Among the things that I have great interest are self-improvement, motivation, stock market, photography and employment matters. There are so many information in the internet nowadays that goes unnoticed. However, I'm not trying to be a news center or what, but I'm just expressing my point of view.

To dear friends and general public, you are welcome to post any articles or comments in this blog. However, if any of the articles are deemed harmful or unsuitable for public viewing, it will be remove upon discovery.

So, as we traverse this journey of life, no matter how small our contribution to our community or our beloved nation, it is a good cause for humanity.

Founder, JDouglas Resource

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Food for thought

A young boy asked his father, “Dad, what is wealth?”
The father hesitates for a moment then say, “When we have a lot of money that is wealth.”
“What about health?” the boy asks another question.
Then the father answers, “Health is about our well-being”
 Suddenly, the boy stop and say, “I’m not in good health dad.”
“What wrong my boy...?” the father looks at his son with curiosity.
 “I saw a signboard back there says – Health is Wealth. But I’m always sick. It would be hard for me get wealth because I’m not well.” the boy explained as he pointing at a signboard behind them.
The father smiles and says, “My son, you have good thought and strong heart. That is what you need most now and keeps going with it...”