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One of the most precious and invaluable things in life is our 'insight' and 'memory'. And for this reason, I dedicate this blog as a channel to express my own insights and memories on my area of interest.

Among the things that I have great interest are self-improvement, motivation, stock market, photography and employment matters. There are so many information in the internet nowadays that goes unnoticed. However, I'm not trying to be a news center or what, but I'm just expressing my point of view.

To dear friends and general public, you are welcome to post any articles or comments in this blog. However, if any of the articles are deemed harmful or unsuitable for public viewing, it will be remove upon discovery.

So, as we traverse this journey of life, no matter how small our contribution to our community or our beloved nation, it is a good cause for humanity.

Founder, JDouglas Resource



There are two facts about employment:
First - EMPLOYER cannot operate his or her business without the service of an employee; and 
Second - EMPLOYEE needs employer who would provide a decent wage for a living.

The relationship between an employer and its employee is actually quite fragile. Either party can be the cause of an employment dispute, and the most common one is DISMISSAL. 
My current engagement with mediating employment dispute allow me to analyse factors that contribute to its cause.
Factors Contributing to Employment Dispute:
1.  Bad Attitude
     Some people were born naturally inheriting good attitude, while others have unique or complicated one. Bad attitude normally associated with bad temper, prejudice, jealousy and all the negative conduct of man, which derived from human nature itself.
Most people will shy away from a boss (employer) or an employee who got bad attitude. 
Scenario 1:
Mr. Glen is the CEO of Company ABC. One morning Mr. Glen got very upset over a bad deal with one client who refused to settle a sale contract due to logistic delay. Then her secretary came in to serve him a cup of coffee. However, the secretary accidently spilled over the coffee on the CEO table. The CEO got angry and scold her. The secretary argue back but also try to calm him. The CEO continue to scold her for being careless. So, she immediately left the office after cleaning the table. What do you think the end story?
The CEO went to "anger management" class...

2. Personal Problem
    Everybody have personal problem. Most of these problems are associated with relationship (eg. family, spouse, friends etc), financial debts and illness (eg. critical illness such at cancer etc). Due to such problem, an employee become uncooperative, lack of motivation and work performance would drop sharply. 
Supervisor and manager should play a comforting partner whenever they notice such employee. 
Scenario 2:
Ms. Angie is a junior sales executive in Company H. She has been working under supervision of Mr. Mike for about 3 months. However, Mike still not satisfied with her. Angie was actually not in good relationship with Mike since they broke up last month. Later by chance, Angie was promoted. But as time went by, Angie sale performance drop and the management was upset. What to you think the cause of her poor performance?
Mike was found harassing Angie causing emotional dilemma to her. Later both of them went for counseling ...   
3. Management Problem
    Management is about the art of managing people and resources. Most business organization learned management through the hard way - resolving management problems  (eg. market competition, financial commitment, production/ logistic delay etc). Of course, in life and business world, management problem just like conflict is inevitable. It needs a lot of perseverance and confidence to resolve it. If employer (top management personnel) failed to resolved their problems, eventually the heat would escalate down to their employee. Thus, the easy way out is retrenchment of workforce.

Business & Finance Quotes:

Check out the link below for inspiring quotes about business & finance...
"People are definitely a company's greatest asset. It doesn't make any different whether the product is car or cosmetic. A company is only good as the people it keeps." ~ Mary Kay Ash.

Anybody need consultation on employment dispute mediation, do call me (Jeffry) 016-2154532 or email your inquiry at jeffrydouglas@gmail.com

Jeffry Douglas
Industrial Relations Consultant