Welcome to JDouglas Resource

One of the most precious and invaluable things in life is our 'insight' and 'memory'. And for this reason, I dedicate this blog as a channel to express my own insights and memories on my area of interest.

Among the things that I have great interest are self-improvement, motivation, stock market, photography and employment matters. There are so many information in the internet nowadays that goes unnoticed. However, I'm not trying to be a news center or what, but I'm just expressing my point of view.

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So, as we traverse this journey of life, no matter how small our contribution to our community or our beloved nation, it is a good cause for humanity.

Founder, JDouglas Resource

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stock Review - NTPM (5066)

NTPM logo is copyright reserved by NTPM Holding Bhd.
Principally this company engaged in manufacturing and trading of tissue papers, toilet tissue, serviette, napkin and other related products. 
Check out their website for further info. at http://www.ntpm.com.my

I've been holding NTPM share since last year. During that holding period, I had benefit its dividend and increase of shares price from RM0.51 to now - RM0.57
That about 11.8% growth of price value.
Recently, on 18 Mac 2010 the company made a share buy back announcement to Bursa Malaysia taking 10,000unit@RM0.60
I believed NTPM has a lots of growth potential and it had good track record since it inception in 1975. One thing I like about NTPM is that they have consistent dividend policy and payout. I've summarized the "Net Dividend per share" based on its Annual Report 2008, listed below:
Year 2004 - 1.92 sen/ share (net)
Year 2005 - 1.92 sen
Year 2006 - 2.30 sen
Year 2007 - 3.38 sen
Year 2008 - 4.05 sen
I'm not promoting this share or telling you out there to buy it. Every investor have their list of shares. Well, this is one of mine...